"Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself,
and see if we may not eff it after all." - Douglas Adams
Tiffany Ly

Tiffany Ly


2220 Campus Dr.
Cook Hall 2036
Evanston, IL 60208-3108
tiffanyly at u dot northwestern dot edu

Research Interests

Nanoparticles are a growing field and likely the future for many technological applications, especially for advancements in catalysis and energy. My project is focused on the surface structure of oxide nanoparticles and how these can be related to kinetic and thermodynamic growth mechanisms during hydrothermal synthesis. I am interested in studying the nanoparticles with both characterization techniques (e.g. TEM) and computational modeling.


Northwestern University - Evanston, IL
Ph.D. Candidate, Materials Science and Engineering
September 2015 - present

Cornell University - Ithaca, NY
B.S. cum laude with Honors in Materials Science and Engineering
August 2011 - May 2015


Ryan Fellowship
Funded 2015-2017


  1. Complex Fluorine Chemical Potential Effects on the Shape and Compositional Heterogeneity of KTa1-xNbxO3
    T. Ly, J. Wen, and L. D. Marks
    J. Phys. Chem. C 124 (2020) 26012-26017

  2. Chemisorption-Driven Roughening of Hydrothermally Grown KTa1-xNbxO3 Nanoparticles
    T. Ly, J. Wen, and L. D. Marks
    J. Phys. Chem. C 124 (2020) 7988-7993

  3. Controlled Two-Step Formation of Faceted Perovskite Rare-Earth Scandate Nanoparticles
    R. J. Paull, T. Ly, Z. R. Mansley, K. R. Poeppelmeier, and L. D. Marks
    Crystals 9 (2019) 218

  4. Kinetic Growth Regimes of Hydrothermally Synthesized Potassium Tantalate Nanoparticles
    T. Ly, J. Wen, and L. D. Marks
    Nano Lett. 18 (2018) 5186-5191

  5. Synthesis of Gadolinium Scandate from a Hydroxide Hydrogel
    R. J. Paull, Z. R. Mansley, T. Ly, L. D. Marks, and K. R. Poeppelmeier
    Inorg. Chem. 57 (2018) 4104-4108

  6. A General Method for High-Performance, Additive-Free Li-ion Battery Electrodes from Colloidal Nanoparticles: The Cases of MnS, Cu2-xS, and Ge
    D.-H. Ha*, T. Ly*, J.M. Caron, H. Zhang and R.D. Robinson
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7 (2016) 25053-25060
    (* equal contribution)

  7. Highly Conductive Cu2-xS Nanoparticle Films through Room Temperature Processing, and an Order of Magnitude Enhancement of Conductivity via Electrophoretic Deposition
    O.O. Otelaja, D.-H. Ha, T. Ly, H. Zhang, and R.D. Robinson
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6 (21), 18911-18920

Teaching Experience

MAT SCI 460: Electron Microscopy, Winter 2018

Course description: This course covers elementary theories, methods, and operations in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to help prepare graduate students in applying TEM in research.

Responsibilities: Led weekly hands-on lab sessions and office hours teaching students TEM techniques, theory, and analysis, and gave guest lectures.


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