"Brahms believed that there was no need to publish everything that Schubert ever wrote."
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
A chemical approach to understanding oxide surfaces
J. A. Enterkin, A. E. Becerra-Toledo, K. R. Poeppelmeier, and L. D. Marks
Surface Science 606 (2012) 344

Water adsorption on SrTiO3(001): I. Experimental and simulated STM
A. E. Becerra-Toledo, M. R. Castell and L. D. Marks
Surface Science 606 (2012) 762

Water adsorption on SrTiO3(001): II. Water, water, everywhere
A. E. Becerra-Toledo, J. A. Enterkin, D. M Kienzle and L. D. Marks
Surface Science 606 (2012) 791

New insights into hard phases of CoCrMo metal-on-metal hip replacements
Y. Liao, R. Pourzala, P. Stemmera, M. A. Wimmerc, J. J. Jacobsa, A. Fischerb, L. D. Marks
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 12 (2012) 39

On the alignment for precession electron diffraction
Y. Liao, L. D. Marks
Ultramicroscopy 117 (2012) 1

c(4 × 2) and related structural units on the SrTiO3(001) surface : Scanning tunneling microscopy, density functional theory, and atomic structure
A. E. Becerra-Toledo, M. S. J. Marshall, M. R. Castell and L. D. Marks
The Journal of Chemical Physics 136 (2012) 214701

Surface Transmission Electron Diffraction for SrTiO3 surfaces
D. M Kienzle, L. D. Marks
CrystEngComm 14 (2012) 7833

Plasmon Length: A Universal Parameter to Describe Size Effects in Gold Nanoparticles
E. Ringe, M.R. Langille, K. Sohn, J. Zhang, J.X. Huang, C.A. Mirkin, R.P. Van Duyne and L.D. Marks
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2012. 3(11): p. 1479-1483.

Correlating the Structure and Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Single Silver Right Bipyramids
E. Ringe, J. Zhang, M.R. Langille, C.A. Mirkin, L.D. Marks and R.P. Van Duyne
Nanotechnology, 23 (2012) 444005.

Plasmonic Near-Electric Field Enhancement Effects in Ultrafast Photoelectron Emission:
Correlated Spatial and Laser Polarization Microscopy Studies of Individual Ag Nanocubes.
A. Grubisic, E. Ringe, C.M. Cobley, Y.N. Xia, L.D. Marks, R.P. Van Duyne, and D.J. Nesbitt
Nano Letters, 12 (2012) 4823.

Structure and composition of linear TiOx nanostructures on SrTiO3 (001) surfaces.
M. S. J. Marshall, A. Becerra-Toledo, D.J. Payne, R.G. Edgell, L.D. Marks, and M.R. Castell
Physical Review B 86 (2012) 125416.

Modeling of Phonon Wind Shielding Effects on Moving Dislocation Arrays.
M'ndange-Pfupfu, A. and L.D. Marks
Tribology Letters, 47 (2012) 431.

Models for Precession Electron Diffraction
L.D. Marks
Chapter 26, in U. Kolb et al. (eds.), Uniting Electron Crystallography and Powder Diffraction

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