"Brahms believed that there was no need to publish everything that Schubert ever wrote."
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
Formation of BN nanoarches: Possibly the key to cubic boron nitride film growth
C. Collazo-Davila, E. Bengu, C. Leslie and L. D. Marks
Applied Physics Letters 72, 314 (1998)

Determination and refinement of the Ag/Si (111) -3x1 surface
C. Collazo-Davila, D. Grozea and L. D. Marks
Physical Review Letters 80, 1678 (1998)

Structure of the TiO2 (100) -1x3 Surface by Direct Methods
E. Landree, L. D. Marks, P. Zschack and C. J. Gilmore
Surface Science 408, 300 (1998)

A Minimum Entropy Algorithm for Surface Phasing Problems
L. D. Marks and E. Landree
Acta. Crystallographica A54, 296 (1998)

Au 6x6 on Si (111): evidence for a 2-D pseudo glass
L. D. Marks, D. Grozea, R. Feidenhans'l, M. Nielsen and R. J. Johnson
Surface Reviews & Letters 5, 459 (1998)

Determination of Oxygen Atomic Positions in a Ga-In-Sn-O Ceramic Using Direct Methods and Electron Diffraction
W. Sinkler, L. D. Marks, D. D. Edwards, T. O. Mason, K. R. Poeppelmeier, Z. Hu nd J. D. Jorgenson
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 136, 145 (1998)

Microstructure of Sputter-Deposited Metal- and Oxide-MoS2 Solid Lubricant Thin Films
M. R. Hilton, G. Jayaram and L. D. Marks
Journal of Materials Research 13, 1022 (1998)

Reduction of Magnesium Orthovanadate Mg3(VO4)2
X. Wang, H. Zhang, W. Sinkler, K. R. Poeppelmeier and L. D.Marks
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 270, 88 (1998)

Application of Direct Methods to dynamical diffraction data
W. Sinkler, E. Bengu and L. D. Marks
Acta Crystallographica A54, 591 (1998)

Direct Methods for Surfaces
L. D. Marks, E. Bengu, C. Collazo-Davila, D. Grozea, E. Landree, C. Leslie and W. Sinkler
Surface Reviews and Letters 5, 1087 (1998)

Close Relations between Doping and Layering in Pure Perovskite
K. Otzschi, D. A. Vander Griend, K. R. Poeppelmeier, W. Sinkler, L. D. Marks and T. O. Mason
Chemistry of Materials 10, 2579 (1998)

Direct Methods determination of the Si(111)-6x6 Au Surface Structure
D. Grozea, E. Landree, L. D. Marks, R. Feidenhans'l, M. Nielsen and R. L. Johnson Surface Science 418, 32 (1998)

Solution of Ge (111)-4x4-Ag Structure Using Direct Methods Applied to X-ray Diffraction Data
C. Collazo-Davila, D. Grozea, L. D. Marks, R. Feidenhans'l, M. Nielsen, L. Seehofer, L. Lottermoser, G. Falkenberg and R. L. Johnson
Surface Science 418, 395 (1998)

Cyclic Ozone Identified in Magnesium Oxide (111) Surface Reconstructions
Richard Plass, Kenneth Egan, and Marija Gajdardziska-Josifovska, Chris Collazo-Davila, Daniel Grozea, Eric Landree, and Laurence D. Marks
Physical Review Letters 81, 4891 (1998)

The mechanism of sputter-induced epitaxy modification in YBCO (001) films grown on MgO (001) substrates
Y. Huang , B. V. Vuchic, M. Carmody, P. M. Baldo, K. L. Merkle, D. B. Buchholz, S. Mahajan, J. S. Lei, P. R. Markworth, R. P. H. Chang RPH and L. D. Marks
Journal of Materials Research 13, 3378 (1998)

A structural investigation of Ga3-xIn5-xSn2O16
D. D. Edwards, T. O. Mason, W. Sinkler, and L. D. Marks
Journal of Solid State Chem 140, 242 (1998)

In-Situ growth and characterization of ultrahard thin films
E. Bengu, C. Collazo-Davila, D. Grozea, E. Landree, I. Widlow, M. Guruz and L. D. Marks
Microscopy Research and Technique 42, 295 (1998)

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