"Brahms believed that there was no need to publish everything that Schubert ever wrote."
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
Structure of Planar Defects in (Sr0.9CA0.3)1.1Cu)2 Infinite Layer Superconductors by Quantitative High Resolution Electron Microscopy
H. Zhang, L. D. Marks, Y. Y. Wang, H. Zhang, V. P. Dravid, P. Han and D. A. Payne
Ultramicroscopy 53, 103 (1995)

Preferred Structures in Small Particles
N. Doraiswamy and L. D. Marks
Phil Mag B71, 291 (1995)

UHV-HREM and Diffraction of Surfaces
G. Jayaram, R. Plass and L. D. Marks
Interface Science 2, 381 (1995)

Unusual island structures in Ag growth on Si(100)-2x1
N. Doraiswamy G. Jayaram and L. D. Marks.
Physical Review B51, 10167 (1995)

TEM Imaging of Clustered Au Substitutional Impurities in YBa2Cu3O7-x (x<0.1)
B. G. Storey, M. A. Kirk and L. D. Marks
Physica C 246, 4 (1995)

Sputter-Induced Grain Boundary Junctions in YBa2Cu3O7-x Thin Films on MgO
B. V. Vuchic, K. L. Merkle, K. A. Dean, D. B. Bucholz, R. P. H. Chang and L. D. Marks
Journal of Applied Physics 77, 2591 (1995)

Integrated multi-layer sputter-induced 45o YBCO grain boundary junctions
B. V. Vuchic, K. L. Merkle, K. A. Dean, D. B. Bucholz, R. P. H. Chang and L. D. Marks
Applied Physics Letters 67, 1013 (1995)

YBa2Cu3O7-x 45 [001] Tilt Grain Boundaries Induced by Controlled Low-Energy Sputtering of MgO Substrates: Transport Properties and Atomic-Scale Structure
B. V. Vuchic, K. L. Merkle, J. W. Funkhouser, D. B. Bucholz, K. A. Dean, R. P. H. Chang and L. D. Marks
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 5, 2591 (1995)

Atomic Structure of Si(111)-(5x2) Au from high resolution electron microscopy and heavy atom holography
L. D. Marks and R. Plass
Physical Review Letters 75, 2172 (1995)

YBaCuO on MgO films grown by pulsed organometallic beam epitaxy and a grain boundary junction application
K. A. Dean, D. B. Buchholz, L. D. Marks, R. P. H. Chang, B. V. Vuchic, K. L. Merkle, D. B. Studebaker, and T. J. Marks
Journal of Materials Research 10, 2700 (1995)

UHV Transmission Electron Microscopy Structure Determination of the Si (111) ?3x?3 R30 Au Surface.
R. Plass and L. D. Marks
Surface Science 342, 233 (1995)

Atomic Structure of the Si(100)-5x3 Au Surface
G. Jayaram and L. D. Marks
Surface Reviews and Letters 6, 731 (1995)

Chromium clustering and ordering in Hg1?xCrxSr2CuO4+d
O. Chmaissem, D. Argyriou, D.G. Hinks, J.D. Jorgenson, B.G. Storey, H. Zhang, L.D. Marks, and B. Dabrowski
Physical Review B52, 15636 (1995)

A TEM study of the incommensurate modulated structure in Sr2CuO3+x superconductors synthesised under high pressure, part A: Evolution of the incommensurate modulated structure and the electronic structure with post heat treatments
Y. Y. Wang, H. Zhang, V. P. Dravid, L. D. Marks, P. B. Han and D. A. Payne
Physica C 255, 247 (1995)

A TEM study of the incommensurate modulated structure in Sr2CuO3+x superconductors synthesised under high pressure, part B: Structural Model
H. Zhang, Y. Y. Wang, L. D. Marks, V. P. Dravid, P. B. Han and D. A. Payne
Physica C 255, 257 (1995)

Design and Initial performance of an ultrahigh vacuum Sample Preparation, Evaluation, Analysis and Reaction (SPEAR) system.
C. Collazo-Davila, E. Landree, D. Grozea, G. Jayaram, R. Plass, P. C. Stair and L. D. Marks
Journal of the Microscopy Society of America 1, 267 (1995)

Nanostructure of Au-20% Pd Layers in MoS2 Multilayer Solid Lubricant Films
G. Jayaram, L. D. Marks and M. R. Hilton
Surface and Coatings Technology, 76, 393 (1995)

New and emerging techniques for imaging surfaces
E. D. Williams and L. D. Marks
Critical Reviews of Surface Chemistry, 5, 275 (1995)

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