"Brahms believed that there was no need to publish everything that Schubert ever wrote."
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
The role of surfaces in flexoelectricity
C. A. Mizzi and L. D. Marks
J. Appl. Phys. 129 (2021) 224102

Twin-boundary-mediated flexoelectricity in LaAlO3
C. A. Mizzi, B. Guo, and L. D. Marks
Phys. Rev. Mater. 5 (2021) 064406

Predictive Mixing for Density Functional theory (and other Fixed-Point Problems)
L. Marks
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 17 (2021) 5715-5732

Oxygen injection during fast vs slow passivation in aqueous solution
X. Yu, J. Han, J. R. Scully, and L. D. Marks
Acta Materialia 23 (2021) 116898

Submonolayer is Enough: Switching Reaction Channels on Pt/SiO2 by Atomic Layer Deposition
X. Tang, C. Liu, E. A. Long, W. Lin, R. A. Hackler, X. Wang, L. D. Marks, J. M. Notestein, and P. C. Stair
J. Phys. Chem. C 125 (2021) 18725-18733

Identifying Support Effects in Au-Catalyzed CO Oxidation
Z. R. Mansley, R. J. Paull, L. Savereide, S. Tatro, E. P. Greenstein, A. Gosavi, E. Cheng, J. Wen, K. R. Poeppelmeier, J. M. Notestein, and L. D. Marks
ACS Catal. 11 (2021) 11921-11928

ScOx rich surface terminations on lanthanide scandate nanoparticles
Z. R. Mansley, R. J. Paull, E. P. Greenstein, J. G. Wen, K. R. Poeppelmeier, and L. D. Marks
Phys. Rev. Mater. 5 (2021) 125002

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