"Brahms believed that there was no need to publish everything that Schubert ever wrote."
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
Direct Observation of Tribochemically Assisted Wear.
A. M'ndange-Pfupfu, J. Ciston, O. Eryilmaz, A. Erdemir, and L.D. Marks
Tribology Letters, 49 (2013) 351.

SrTiO3 Nanocuboids from a Lamellar Microemulsion.
L. Hu, C. Wang, S. Lee, R.E. Winans, L.D. Marks, and K.R. Poeppelmeier
Chemistry of Materials, 25 (2013) 378.

CoCrMo metal-on-metal hip replacements.
Y. Liao, E. Hoffman, M.A. Wimmer, A. Fischer, J.J. Jacobs, and L.D. Marks
Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics. , 15 (2013) 746.

Reduction of Electron Channeling in EDS using Precession.
Y. Liao and L.D. Marks
Ultramicroscopy, 126 (2013) 19-22

Elastic Strain Energy Effects in Faceted Decahedral Nanoparticles.
S. Patala, L.D. Marks, and M. Olvera de la Cruz
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117 (2013) 1485.

Structure refinement from precession electron diffraction data.
L. Palatinus, D. Jacob, P. Cuvillier, M. Klementova, W. Sinkler, and L.D. Marks
Acta Crystallographica Section A, 69 (2013) 171.

Single nanoparticle plasmonics.
Ringe, E., B. Sharma, A.-I. Henry, L.D. Marks, and R.P. Van Duyne
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15 (2013) 4110-4129.

Three-dimensional imaging of dislocations in a nanoparticle at atomic resolution
Chen C-C, Zhu C, White ER, Chiu C-Y, Scott MC, Regan BC, Marks LD, Huang Y, Miao J.
Nature, 2013, 496(7443), 74

Centrifugal Shape Sorting and Optical Response of Polyhedral Gold Nanoparticles
Yu Jin Shin, Emilie Ringe, Michelle L. Personick, M. Fernanda Cardinal, Chad A. Mirkin,
Laurence D. Marks, Richard P. Van Duyne, and Mark C. Hersam
Advanced Materials, 25 (2013) 4023

Fixed-Point Optimization of Atoms and Density in DFT
L. D. Marks
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 9 (2013) 2786.

Kinetic and Thermodynamic Modified Wulff Constructions for Twinned Nanoparticles
Emilie Ringe, Richard P. Van Duyne, and Laurence D. Marks
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117 (2013) 15859

Tribochemical Reactions in Metal-on-Metal Hip Joints Influence Wear and Corrosion
Wimmer, M. A., Mathew, M. T., Laurent, M. P., Nagelli, C., Liao, Y., Marks, L. D., Pourzal, R., Fischer, A., Jacobs, J. J.
ASTM Selected Technical Papers 2013, DOI:10.1520/STP156020120050.

Microstructure of Retrievals made from Standard Cast HC-CoCrMo Alloys
Stemmer, P., Pourzal, R., Liao, Y., Marks, L. D., Morlock, M., Jacobs, J. J., Wimmer, M. A., Fischer, A.
ASTM Selected Technical Papers 2013, DOI:10.1520/STP156020120033

Epitaxial Stabilization of Face Selective Catalysts
Enterkin, J., Kennedy, R., Lu, J., Elam, J., Cook, R., Marks, L., Stair, P., Marshall, C., Poeppelmeier, K.
Top Catal, 2013, 56(18-20), 1829-1834.

What Are the Resolution Limits in Electron Microscopes?
Marks, L.D.
Physics, 6 (2013) 82

Thermodynamic Analysis of Multiply Twinned Particles: Surface Stress Effects
Patala, S., L.D. Marks, and M. Olvera de la Cruz
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 4 (2013) 3089

Synthesis-dependent atomic surfaces structures on oxide nanoparticles
Lin, Y., J. Wen, L. Hu, R.M. Kennedy, P.C. Stair, K.R. Poeppelmeier, and L.D. Marks
Physical Review letters, 111 (2013) 156101

Towards Understanding Tribocorrosion in Hip Replacements.
Hoffman E., Liao Y. and L.D. Marks
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 19 (2013)176-177

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